Reswara Journal of Psychology (RJP) The aims of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles. The scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics, including Urban Psychology.
Reswara Journal of Psychology (RJP) was first published in March 2022 and at that time was under the Magister Psychology Universitas Semarang. RJP is scheduled for publication in April and November (2 issue a year).
Vol 3, No 2 (2024): Oktober 2024
Table of Contents
Ivaniar Nadaa Nabila, Erwin Erlangga
DOI : 10.26623/rjp.v3i2.5392
| Abstract views: 65 times
Dwi Nugroho Saputro, Mulya Virgonita Iswindari Winta
DOI : 10.26623/rjp.v3i2.7000
| Abstract views: 50 times
Saifudin Chundori, Purwaningtyastuti Purwaningtyastuti
DOI : 10.26623/rjp.v3i2.11053
| Abstract views: 122 times
Sinta Putri Kristiani, Kimmy Katkar
DOI : 10.26623/rjp.v3i2.11074
| Abstract views: 41 times
Maulia Afiyanti, Margaretha Maria Shinta Pratiwi
DOI : 10.26623/rjp.v3i2.11085
| Abstract views: 128 times